Friday, March 18, 2011


Wow... I know I said that it wouldn't be six weeks before I blogged again, but somehow time has gotten away from me! There have been so many things happening in my life since I got home from Zimbabwe but was waiting for the Lord to work things out. I didn't want to keep you all in suspense with the 'what if's' until I knew for sure where the direction of the Lord would take me.

Many of you have asked me to keep blogging and for updates. So, here is my big news:

I have accepted a new position with the Kingdom House of Prayer as the Assistant Director. Before I left for Zimbabwe last year, I was staff at KHOP and loved every minute of it. I am very excited about getting back to KHOP full time as this is clear direction from the Lord.

Here is the official announcement that was sent out today from Randy Bixby, the Executive Director of KHOP:

Introducing our new KHOP Assistant Director - Amy Waldron

I am pleased to announce our new KHOP Assistant Director Miss Amy Waldron effective May 1, 2011. Amy is an anointed worship leader, musician and powerful intercessor. She is a former missionary to KHOP and brings strong administrative gifts to this new role where she will be handling the day to day operations of the house. We will be sharing much more about the details of her role in the days to come. Praise God for Amy and for what she will bring to KHOP to expand the scope and intensity of the prayer room as she works to stoke the fires of worship and intercession.

As for me, I will remain the Executive Director and Founder of KHOP committed to the establishing of the house and KHOP San Diego while focusing my energy on the three clear assignments God is impressing upon me. First, the assignment to our government as the Iowa Legislative Chaplain. Second, the assignment of equipping through my role with Heartland and HSSM. And finally, the itinerate ministry to churches, businesses and ministries as I am sent out from the house. I feel like I am becoming the answer to the prayers of the last six years as the Lord is so clearly laying these assignments upon me.

Get ready for some amazing growth at KHOP in 2011. Reach out to Amy and let her know how excited you are about her new role!

I want to thank all of you who have supported me and encouraged me to continue pursuing the call of God on my life. I ask you to continue to be in prayer for myself and the direction of KHOP. There will be more updates to come in the next few weeks... If you would like more information about the ministry of KHOP, go to

Many blessings to you!