Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thoughts & testimonies

Believe it or not, it's actually pretty difficult for me to get my thoughts typed out in a fashion that is easy for someone else to read. Blogging is not something that comes easy for me. I start to type something out and then realize that no one who reads it is going to have any idea what I'm talking about. I'll have one sentence that makes sense and then 3 random thoughts and then another sentence about the original thought but I should have told you that part first. And so, I find myself typing out what's on my mind and then after rereading, deleting everything I just typed because it's so all over the place.

I really wish it was super easy for me to put my thoughts together for you to share in what the Lord is doing in my life right now. I know that I need to continue to blog, and am praying that God makes it easier for me!

God is doing some really amazing things in my life and in the lives of those around me. It's hard to tell you without telling really long stories, but I'll try and sum up some fun testimonies from this last week.

One friend last week felt really let down by the Lord in a certain situation. I asked him how he would feel if he tweeted his view of the outcome. Instead of looking at it as a let-down, I told him he should praise and thank God that He made it clear that that door needed to be closed and that He was going to make it clear what door He wanted open instead. It was like a light bulb came on, and he immediately viewed the situation as God protecting him and the plan for his life instead of God letting Him down. He heart was instantly healed as he started to see the situation through the eyes of love.

Another situation involved some prayer, and I felt freedom come over this person as certain negative spiritual attachments left! AMEN!!

I lead a prayer & worship set on Thursday nights. Several people on my set are really new to the house of prayer style of worship and prayer. I could say this about more than one of the new people, but there was a nervousness about stepping out to be a part of this set. Our prayer time last Thursday was great. We hit this sweet groove and I started prophesying through song, and I could the atmosphere shifting. My team talked after our prayer time was over, and I was so blessed as they were all excited to do it again. Even so much so, that Saturday night, we added another prayer set. This person wouldn't even play an instrument in front of me a month ago. This is such a testimony!

The Lord is moving so quickly, putting people in their 'spots'. This is SOOOOOO exciting for me!!!! I am leading a prayer & worship time on Tuesdays from noon to 2 and Thursdays from 6 to 8 pm. I am loving every minute of my time in the prayer room! There are several times a week when we get together for practice too.

I could probably keep going, but I personally don't like to read really long blogs. So, I'll stop here and share more next time. I'll be back in Ankeny for the Operation Refuge conference this upcoming Friday and Saturday at Heartland Assembly.

May the Lord shower down His love upon you today. You are AMAZING!


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