Monday, May 31, 2010

A few pictures and overdue update...

I have lots of pictures to show you when I get back. The business fair was amazing! The Action conference was amazing! Super Sunday was amazing! The wedding was like nothing I had ever seen before. I don't have much time to explain all these things right now. It has been jam packed days all day, every day since I got here. Now that the business fair and the conference at the church are over, I will have some time this next week to write more.

There is no shortage of opportunity... I LOVE it here! Ed Silvoso preached this Sunday at church to a crowd of over 10, 000. It was a great message! Come Lord Jesus, come, pour out your Spirit in this place. Reform the marketplace in Harare!

Here are just a few pictures:

This man has been raised from the dead, not just once, but twice. The second time, he was dead for over 24 hours and they had already put him in the fridge for 24 hours....

This is downtown Harare. Not quite what I expected....

This is our Appcore business team in front of our booth at the Big Africa business show last Monday. back left to right: Shepherd, Tich, Matthew, Brian, Fannuel. Bottom row: Amy, Judge, Sandra, Annah

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