Monday, May 24, 2010

Parirenyatwa Hospital

I didn't realize how much I took internet for granted. I didn't realize how much I took my phone for granted. Wow, only one day without access to email and phone and it totally changed my perspective... How I appreciate the availability and cheapness of phone and internet in the USA!

How do I even pick what to tell you about? I don't want to bore you will all the little details, but I do want to tell you about my trip to meet Dr. Andrew Reid yesterday at the Parirenyatwa Hospital. Just to note, Dr. Reid is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on HIV research. Before I met him, I was told that whenever he gets a new suit, that he gives the old one away. I was very curious to meet this doctor who only has one suit...

He had prepared for my group & I to talk to and pray with a group of children who have cancer or leukemia. They were maybe 3 years to 8 years old. Parirenyatwa Hospital is a government run facility and specializes in cancer in children. (It does much more than this too...) He had each of us share a message with the children and then Dr. Reid asked me if I would share a salvation message with the children. Each one raised their hand to receive the Lord for salvation and I let them all in prayer. Then, we went through and prayed for each of the children. I felt the fire of the Lord pouring out of me as I prayed.

When we finished praying with all the children, the Mother's and caregivers in the back of the room wanted us to pray with them too. Most were concerned about their children

1 comment:

  1. amazing...what a beautiful pic of you with the children..wish i was there with mom
