Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Perfect peace

Perfect Peace. That's what I have right now. I'm not saying that everything is perfect in my life. I'm not saying that I am not wondering what's coming my way. But I am saying that I am in right place, at the right time, in right relationship with God, and I have peace in my heart. I am so grateful the Lord leads me and guides me. He is teaching me along this journey called life and I am always learning. He is perfecting me with His peace.

As for what's new in my life, I am taking a season just to seek the Lord, pray, and spend time in the Word. I'm also purposefully gleaning from Wind and Fire. This is a house of prayer in Marion Iowa. If you want to know more about this ministry, check out their website at

I'll be sending out email updates for a few weeks while I am here. Feel free to join my email list so you can receive the automatic updates. I appreciate your prayers for me.

God bless you! Happy New Year!!