Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Would you eat this???

So, our chef walks in yesterday and throws this warm, little bag at me. According to him, you are supposed to eat these things... He said they were expensive to buy even... Several of my co-workers ate them like they were candy, holding them in their hand as if they were eating a peanut butter m&m.

So, really, would you have eaten one of these things???? You can call me a chicken. I wouldn't do it :)

1 comment:

  1. It is so exciting to read your blog. These critters are far from peanut M&Ms but there must be something to them if they are expensive and people eat them like candy. We all miss you so much but are also so excited for you to be experiencing a different world. You couldn't trade it for anything (even if it does mean you have to wash all your clothes by hand).
    Lots of Love <3
    Lisa and the boys
