Thursday, August 5, 2010


As I go into the last of my time with my family in Connecticut for this season, I can't help but think what life is going to be like apart from my family. We aren't perfect. We argue. We don't say nice things sometimes. We even take our relationships for granted most of the time... But what I love about my family is that we love each other. My sisters and my brother are my best friends. My nieces and nephews are like my own children. We learn together, grow together, laugh together, and cry together. I am going to miss them terribly while I am away.

Mark 10:29 "I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel 30will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life. 31But many who are first will be last, and the last first." (NIV)

I remember when I found this verse for the first time after I had left home several years ago. I had been crying everyday for like 2 weeks straight, but I knew I was in the right place and just needed to work through my emotions. This verse in Mark sustains me as I give up my family in a whole new way as I go to Zimbabwe. There is a promise in this verse for those who give up their families for the gospel and I stand firm that His promises are true. Thank you Father that you are faithful and true and you do not go back on your word!

As I go to Zimbabwe to work, I am praying that the Spirit of the Lord would flow through me like water and that the Gospel of Jesus would go forth in the marketplace in Zimbabwe. I am expecting and anticipating the miraculous! Can a nation be changed in a day? Yes, I DO believe it can.

Thank you for joining with me in prayer for the nation of Zimbabwe. Come Lord Jesus, Come to Zimbabwe in a new way! Come pour out your Spirit!


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