Monday, January 2, 2012

My New Years experience

I had the privilege of bringing in the New Year with some amazing friends at the Wind and Fire Prayer Center. It was such a beautiful night with my new, beautiful, and amazing family. Hugs went all around as we celebrated the coming of the new year. Of course, we prayed, worshiped, danced, and ate together. You know, all the fun stuff families do together.

One of the families here at the prayer center, had all their kids put together a dance. The atmosphere changed as they released their worship to the Lord. You may actually have to go to my blog to view the video if it's not included in the email.

They received 2 offerings. The first offering was for a debt elimination. If you were in need of paying off a small debt, you could apply to receive help.

The second offering was for the poor. Many people had brought items knowing that they would give them to the poor and that was amazing to see how much will be given away. But what was really amazing was how the Spirit of the Lord prompted people to give even more. Some people were taking their shoes off and leaving in their socks. I was moved to tears as a good friend gave a very special ring.

After the offering a young boy came up to the mic. The Lord showed him that the items that had been donated and set on the alter were really silver, gold, and bronze. It was a powerful moment as we all realized the weightiness in the power of the offering.

Sunday was amazing too. I met with a friend, and we jammed for a while preparing for a worship set that I am putting together. Then I met up with some other friends at Starbucks. I had my guitar with me, and I couldn't leave it in the car in the cold. So, I just brought it in with me into Starbucks. I couldn't resist... I pulled it out and worshiped right in the middle of Starbucks. And of course, we all prayed together.

Praise the Lord. His mercies are new every morning.


  1. :-) Glad you're doing soooo much n having so much fun too. Stay blessed

  2. Thanks for sharing that awesome video! It was so cute. :)
