Thursday, July 29, 2010

Life saving device... It's called the Demolizer

In early 2010, the Lord told me that this year would be a year of travel, and a significant amount of travel at that. I didn’t know how much or when or where to, but I knew that I was supposed to go and He would show me along the way… (I love to travel) :) and so I was excited when He showed me this!) So when I was presented with the opportunity to do some traveling with my job, I knew the Lord again had already prepared everything. So far this year (with Iowa as my starting point), I have been to Branson, Missouri, Chicago, IL, Connecticut, Vermont, Washington DC, and Zimbabwe, Africa . The first half of the year is over… six more months to go and I am curious to know where my travels will continue to take me.

My latest trip was to Washington DC for 2 days of business meetings. I was privileged to learn about a life saving device called the Demolizer. (I find it completely ironic that it is called that!) It is a machine that will dispose of medical sharps (i.e. needles) and biohazardous materials (i.e. blood from the needles, especially HIV and Hepatitis contaminated blood),. Basically, you put all the sharps in a tin and put the tin inside the machine. It sets the timer for 90 minutes and when it’s done, you get a sterile brick of plastic that is ready to be recycled. Hence the name ‘Demolizer…’ It completely demolizes the sharps. Many doctors offices around the United States already have this machine in use.

In Africa, as you know, a large percentage of the population has been devastated by AIDS/HIV. Most countries do not have sharps disposal regulations. Many people scavenge the dumps looking for old needles to sell because of their desperation to make a little money. Many people, including children have had accidental pricks by needles. Who knows where the needle has been or what they will now be infected with! Studies of this machine estimate that it will reduce the worldwide AIDS/HIV infection rate by up to 10%. It will remove sharps from the dump and prevent future infections of HIV and hepatitis.

The ministry that I am partnering with while I am there is Celebration Ministries International. They have an entire department of their ministry that is solely dedicated to Health and health related issues. (If you want more information about this, you can check out the website at Celebration health wants to put 10 of these machines in the hands of their medical clinics and promote the use of them to the Ministry of Health.

I don’t have the exact figure, but each machine will cost less than $10,000. If you are interested in partnering with Celebration Health, please send an email to or you can email me directly at Maybe you own a business, or are involved in the medical field… Let your fellow employees know about this project. Maybe you could all make a large donation together. Wouldn’t that be amazing if you could completely fund one machine for a clinic?!

I will keep you posted on the progress of this project. Without any funding, they won’t be able to get any machines. So, I ask you to please consider making a donation to Celebration Health. I know this is a little long so thanks for reading all the way to the end. Be blessed! Till next time…


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