Saturday, September 18, 2010

South African Potatoe Farmer ... : )

So, I was browsing through this South African Farm magazine a few weeks ago. It's very interesting to me to learn the culture and how the different nations interact with eachother, even though some are only as big as a state in the US.

As I was browsing, I can across a face I knew, Angus Buchan. I had watched the movie Faith Like Potatoes earlier this year, and I just loved the movie and I loved the documentary about the life of Angus. After I watched the movie, I checked out his ministry's website and I receive his monthly email updates. He penned an article for this magazine. I thought it was so cool to be here and see an actual article that he wrote. His life's work became reality as I read the article.

I was talking with some friends and they were telling me they were having this special farmer speaker coming to their church and they really wanted to go hear him... And they said to me - Have you ever seen the movie Faith Like Potatoes? I think it's that guy... And so, next weekend, Angus Buchan will be here in town at a local high school to preach. I look forward to hearing him speak in person!!!! thank you Jesus for connecting all the dots... This is gonna be SO cool!

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